
Terraforming, What Is It Actually ?

                      It would not be an exaggeration to say that just as the whole solar system, including the sun, has been created by the laws of time, if the various kinds of human deeds could be put aside for some time, the sun would change in the future and our earth would be destroyed. Realizing this fact, the idea of ​​making other planets and satellites habitable began to take root in the minds of scientists where not only humans, but all representatives of all the flora and fauna of this earth would be replaced. The process by which a planet or satellite is artificially transformed into habitable place, like the earth, is called Terraforming or Terraformation.

Source: The term Terraforming was first introduced to the public through the American science fiction writer Jack Williamson's short story 'Collision Orbit' published in 1942. There was a time when the term was considered only a fascinating subject in science fiction short stories, novels, movies, video games. But in the real world today, the term is gaining ground in both science fiction and science.

Discussion in the Scientist Community: Different scientists have expressed their thoughts and opinions on this terraformation at different times. The foremost of these was the scientist Carl Sagan. Scientists and the general public today remember him with respect for his contribution to the Voyager Space Mission about 44 years ago. (For more information on the Voyager mission see 'Voyager, The Oldest Surviving Space Mission'. The link of the article is:

 He spoke of trying to terraforming through homogenous plants like algae. But later, after knowing Venus in more detail, he had to abandon his plan. In 1973, the scientist Sagan discussed the terraforming of Mars in detail in his article Planetary Engineering on Mars. Today, after so many years, the US space agency (NASA) has not canceled his plan, which means that Sagan's thinking is equally relevant today. Michael Alaby, Christopher McKay, James Lovelock, Robert Haynes also wrote and discussed articles on the terraformation of planets and satellites at different times. Most of these scientists discussed the terraformation of Mars. In this context, the Biophysicist Robert Haynes coined a new term, 'Ecopoiesis', which means the origin of the ecosystem on an inanimate planet, and this is the first step in terraforming.

                    Originally life could have originated on three types of planets or satellites viz-

1. Habitat Planet or Satellite: A place like Earth's climate where life and human habitation are possible at ease.

2. Biocompatible Planet or Satellite: A place where life is not initially found, but on the surface of which all the basic and fundamental conditions, necessary for the emergence and development of life, exist.

3. Easily Terraformable Planet or Satellite: The planets or satellites that use moderate planetary engineering to turn biolcompatible planets or satellites or habitable planets or satellites.

Possible Method: In order to make a planet or satellite habitable, it is necessary to know well the geochemical character, geographical conditions and astronomical features of that place. If there is a deficiency in these three conditions, the deficit must first be artificially filled. Scientists in the field of Astrobiology say that if there is a constant supply of liquid water, simple or complex organic particles and uninterrupted energy for metabolism, then life will one day emerge there.

                    Thus, when the environment of a place becomes suitable for the full development of an organism, a transparent roof will be built a few kilometers above the surface of the enclosed place. This time the specific air pressure of the breathable air and gravity inside the enclosed place must be maintained. The life cycle of a single-celled microorganism will begin as the first step in the origin of the organism. Bacteria, coming from genetic engineering, can be used. Then if the environment is a little more favorable, a very simple plant class can be brought there. If the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increases a little more, it may be possible to make the planet or satellite fully habitable by bringing in a little more advanced plant class. After increasing the amount of oxygen more, from a variety of simple organisms to a highly developed organisms can be introduced. Note that genetically modified plants, animals and humans will predominate in that area. These animals will be further advanced through Biotechnology and Cybernetic Enhancement. (Cybernetic Enhancement: The process by which one or more of a person's physiological parts are mechanically replaced.) Synthetic Biology will play a very important role in the creation of such advanced plants and animals in the future. Therefore, it can be said that this little-discussed section of biology will play an important role in terraforming. For this, NASA is thinking of a project called DARPA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency). However, all these things have been said to be theoretical only in the research papers. But standing on the ground of reality, no project has been started till date, no country in the world, no government or private organization has offered any money for it.

Possible Places: This time we will know a little bit about the places in space that were once identified as suitable for terraformation or are still selected.

Mercury: Mercury is almost in the cancellation list due to its high temperature because its closest proximity to the Sun. Although small in size, Mercury has about the same gravitational force as Mars due to its density. Without the strong influence of the solar wind, Mercury's gravitational force could be about 30 percent of Earth's gravitational force, which is good enough for the size of Mercury. It has been proven that in the past Mercury made a temporary effort to protect itself from the solar wind. Terraforming on this planet is possible only in its two polar regions. For this process a huge amount of liquid water needs to be supplied to the polar region. (Approximately 3,50,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilogram) This will spread a thin layer of Titanium dioxide around the region and break down the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is light so it will go into space, and if this process continues for the next 70 years, Mercury will have a dense layer of oxygen. Later nitrogen can be added artificially here. In this way breathable air and necessary air pressure can be created. There is also the necessary gravitational force.

Venus: Venus is the hardest place in terms of terraforming. There are basically two things to do here. First, the huge amount of carbon dioxide in Venus must be removed and the planet's average temperature must be brought down to a tolerable level from 450 degrees Celsius. Somehow removing the carbon dioxide stored on the warmest planet in the solar system will lower the temperature because this gas is causing the greenhouse effect on Venus. However, no effective mechanism for this difficult task has been announced yet.

Moon: The value of the Moon's gravitational force is one-sixth of the Earth's gravity. So here too, terraformation is not only a very difficult task but almost impossible. However, some scientists believe that although the moon cannot be fully terraformed, it is possible to partially terraforming some regions. According to them, if 200 trillion tons or 2,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 kilogram of oxygen could be supplied to the moon, and if few hundreds of water-particle bearing comets, like Haley's comet, hit the surface of the moon, it would be possible to take the moon to the way of terraformation.

Mars: Mars is a planet like Earth from different angles so that in the past it had the same weather and liquid water as Earth. But the obvious reason for why all that was lost from the surface of Mars is not clear to us today. The artificial environment created by terraforming will require dense weather and warming. Temperatures can be raised here by supplying greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. However, carbon dioxide alone cannot maintain the temperature of water. So more different types of greenhouse influencers can be used here.

Earth: Strange and surprising to hear, but our world also needs terraforming. If human civilization and the living world are to survive on earth for hundreds of years, then we may have to practice terraformation on earth. There are several ways of terraformation that can be used to restore the Earth to its normal state from arbitrary deforestation and uncontrolled environmental pollution, such as carbon dioxide removal, solar radiation control, perfect use of geo-engineering, the presence of genetically modified organisms etc.

                    Outside of the mentioned and discussed places, there are a few more places in this solar system where we have marked for terraforming such as a few satellites of Jupiter and Saturn (Titan, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Enceladus, etc.) and the dwarf planet Ceres.

Difficulties: Terraforming and its reality is a controversial issue. It involves people's beliefs, ethics, financial management, infrastructural system, political thinking and unknown problems or dangers in the future. Here are some possible reasons.

Morality: Here comes the conflict between science and philosophy. Notable among those who have supported or had supported terraforming are scientist Robert Zubrin, Martyn Fogg or the late scientist Carl Sagan. According to them, it is not a crime to terraform the planets or satellites in harmony with their own ecosystems. The earth will one day be destroyed, so it must be done in order to save mankind and all living things. Scientist Christopher McKay says there is no problem if there is no life on another planet or satellite. But if it remains, then it must get equal opportunity with the creatures of the world to live its life. Otherwise it will be an unforgivable crime.

Financial Management: This project may sound good to hear but there is no denying that it will require a huge amount of money to establish it on real ground. Although many scientists around the world have expressed their views on this, no financial assistance has been announced from any international organization, government or non-government organization. It is virtually impossible for any single government or organization to complete such an ambitious project.

Infrastructural Insufficiency: Although this project is quite optimistic, so far the science organizations have not been able to come up with any proper practical methodology or technology for this project. So it is not possible to invest money according to the plan. So far, only a few models of technology have been developed yet.

Political issues: Intense nationalism, fierce competition between different countries and the public relations politics of the ruling party are the driving forces behind the space plans of different countries of the world. No country has come out of such thinking and practiced space technology independently. Since it is not possible for any one country to complete this project, even if we work in a cooperative manner, trivial political divisions can take place here. The potential for inequality between an enemy country or an economically poor country is high.

Possibility of Future Unseen Problems or Dangers: We do not know what the consequences would happen if the terrain and atmosphere of a planet or satellite will change completely from one state to another. We also do not know the way how to tackle that very situation.

                    We do not know what the future holds for our planet today, but we can only hope that this ambitious project, a joint venture of scientists, engineers, governments and international organizations, will benefit all living things, including people all over the world.


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