Mystery is as infinite as the size of this endless universe that surrounds the earth. As far as we can see with the help of mechanical aid, the universe is even wider, that is, there may be a world beyond our vision which can be proved in pen and paper, but we are still unable to gather any direct proof with the help of practical technology. So these issues are more mysterious than they are of interest to us. One such subject is the Parallel universe or the Multi-universe. Today we will try to know and understand some basic things about this

But the 9,300 crore light-years long area, which we understand as space, is not just universe. It is not uncommon for many more universes to be formed by hydrogen, the oldest particle of this universe, out of our sight, just as our observable universe was formed in favor of it. From here emerges the doctrine of Parallel universe or Multi-verse
than half a century ago today, American scientist Hugh Everett first introduced
Multi-verse doctrines to the world in 1957. In the meantime, the scientific
community was divided on this issue. While some people fully support this view,
another group has raised many questions about it, but the fact is that no one
has directly rejected this view.

who have supported it mentioned various doctrines. The most popular of these is
the doctrine of the Expansion Universe Hypothesis. According to this view,
after a certain distance in the universe, that particular part of the cosmos
comes back and continues to come after that. As a result, the cosmos keeps
repeating. When we mean by 'certain distance' in space, it is not only huge but
very huge which is actually very large what we imagine and we do not have clear
idea about it. Scientists have calculated the extent of that particular part of
space by 1 Googolplex Light Year. Simply, if you multiply 10 by 1,000 times in
a row, the huge numbers of light years are exactly the same after which the
space will repeat itself.
that the doctrine that became very popular is then the Bubble Universe
Hypothesis. According to this view, our observable universe where we live is
like a bubble. The universe is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of such
bubbles. These bubbles are floating in Hyper-Space. Floating like this, they
may be moving from one place to another. It could also be that when two bubbles
or universes are approaching and touching each other, a huge cosmic event like
the Big Bang is about to start. According to this doctrine, our universe is
only a part of the Super-Universe. So is it very unusual for millions of solar
families and the earth to have people on them, especially our exact replicas?
are many more such doctrines, but it is not possible to say which one is the
most appropriate. This requires more detailed research on mixed models of
physics and mathematics. However, scientists have come up with some possible
proofs of the Parallel Universe, which may be correct.
are only 5 percent of the elements in this universe that we can perceive
through the senses. The major portion of other 95 percent of remaining element
is a force that is not captured in our traditional way, but there is no way to
deny that existing force. It is a force that was revealed after the Big Bang,
and it is much stronger than the superpower gravitational force, and it is
getting stronger as time goes on. Yes, we are talking about Dark-Energy.
Scientists have measured individually the Dark-Energy of all the cosmic objects
present in a certain part of the universe and added them, but the Dark-Energy
of that particular area is much greater than the Dark-Energy found by combining
them. In each case, they have obtained the same result, despite using various
methods. Scientists, at last, have come to the conclusion that when the total
amount of Dark-Energy is being measured in any part of the space, as a whole, the Dark-Energy of our
neighboring universe is also being measured along with the total amount of
Dark-Energy present in the part of the space and that is why this difference is
repeated. It is a matter of overlapping the effective area of a mobile tower
with the effective area of another mobile tower next to it. This difference
of Dark-Energy has led scientists to think that there must be Parallel
universes and that their effects are constantly falling on us.
1980, scientist Allen Guth proved with his mathematical calculation that the
universe expanded rapidly after the Big Bang, and that the temperature of the
universe fell far short of what it was supposed to be. This phenomenon was
called ‘Eternal Inflation’. On June 30, 2001, 21 years after this hypothesis,
NASA launched the WMAP satellite (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) to
verify this mathematical interpretation. The main function of this satellite
was to determine the temperature of different places in space. Surprisingly,
the results of Allen Guth's calculations and the observations of the satellite
matched perfectly. From this it can be said that Mathematics may be the basic
truth of this universe and it will also be possible to estimate and prove the
universe through it.

the question is, where did that heat go despite the hundreds of stars and
galaxies in this observable universe ? The answer is that, perhaps that heat
radiation was absorbed by our neighboring universe. It should be noted here
that the Big Bang happened is a proven fact. If it were possible to somehow
resist the light of all the stars and satellites in the sky on a perfect dark
night, the whole sky would be lit up with red light. The last glimmer of light
that spread across the universe after the Big Bang is the light that has been
coined as the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background’
ordinary people identify the atom as the smallest form of matter. But in
reality it is not. The smallest form of each substance is a one-dimensional
vibration form called String in Quantum-Physics. Different substances are expressed
in different forms of vibrations of different magnitude. In other words,
different vibrations of strings are responsible for the different properties of
matter. Scientists have proved through mathematical calculation that there are
nine different dimensional objects in the universe. But we live in the third
dimensional world and this is what we can see and understand well. Beyond this
we can make some perceptions of the second dimension. The rest of the dimension
is not visible to our eyes. But it would be a great mistake to think or
disbelieve that these dimensions do not exist, and therefore we cannot
forcefully deny these dimensions. What would the universe look like with all
these extra dimensional objects? Maybe there is another world right next to our
universe but we never understood its existence. Quantum physics is a
well-established subject and it really takes place here. String theory is a
proven fact. It is possible to explain different phenomena of physics through
this, so this theory is called 'The theory of everything'. The proof that, math
is true, has already been given, so even if the nine dimensions are true, then
what makes the Parallel-Universe or Multiverse false based on them ?

are many large areas in our observable universe where there are far fewer
cosmic objects such as nebulae, galaxies, stars, planets, comets, etc. All
these places are called Cosmic Void. Some scientists believe that the region
was not created suddenly for any reason. Probably due to the collision with the
neighboring universe, this huge vacuum has been created due to the displacement
of matter on the collision ground.

is a proven and established branch of science. The aspect that deals with the
complex psychological aspects of human beings in this branch is called
Parapsychology. It is also possible to prove the parallel universe in this
often feel that any ordinary work or very ordinary scene seems very familiar to
us. It seems as if all this has happened once before in the same place, in the
same posture or in the same environment but in reality we don't do all those
things regularly or watch the scenes regularly. We get this feeling in a fully
awake state, not even in a dream or in a trance. But why is this? Scientists
call this phenomenon 'Deja Vu'. It is a French word that means 'Already Seen'.
According to them, we have multiple replicas scattered in the
Parallel-Universe. They might look like us in the future or look like us now or
look like us in the past. From the way they speak, the way they behave and even
the nature is completely like ours. But there is no question that they will be
our contemporaries. Some may be in the womb now, some may be newborn, some may
be in puberty, some may be young or old, or some may be dead. Everyone's
'Active Time' is different but the experience is the same. That is the
experience we feel when we are awake. Parapsychologist Fiona Broom named the
performance "The Mandela Effect" after the famous South African leader
Nelson Mandela. But there is no explanation for how other people's memories
crowd our brains. So are there really many Parallel-Universes? Do we have any
invisible contact with that unseen world? Is it through this connection that
the memory of all our copies is unknowingly transmitted to our brain and that
is what we feel in a completely normal waking state?

It is easy to prove Parallel-Universes or Multiverse through mathematics, but it may not be possible, at present, to prove or communicate by discovering that world using practical methods. The proof that mathematics is true is ‘Eternal Inflation’; the proof that physics is true is ‘Dark-Energy’ and ‘String Theory’. The proof that parapsychology is true is proved by Telepathy and other methods. If all these are true then the Parallel-Universes or Multiverse are also true and of course it exists, but it may be too far from us where we cannot even imagine trying to reach it or any other dimension that is beyond the limits of our eyes. But whatever the indications of nature or science, there is definitely many Parallel-Universes or Multiverse.

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