
Mysterious Cosmic Expansion of The Universe

                    Before the creation of time, a mysterious event, or more precisely, an explosion, started the path of this universe, which people all over the world know as the Big Bang. (The link is given for details about the Big Bang Since then, matter, time, energy, and radiation have arrived, and the universe has been expanding ever since. Today, in very simple words, we will try to understand this cosmic expansion from all angles.

                    So now the question is what exactly do we mean by the expansion of the universe? In answer to this question, we can simply state that the gradual increase in the distance between any two gravitationally bound objects in the observable universe over time is characterized by the expansion of the universe. This phenomenon was first known a hundred years ago from today when the American scientist Vesto Slipher first observed in 1912 that distant galaxies were gradually moving away from us. However, he could not understand the reason. Ten years later, in 1922, Alexander Friedman, a Russian scientist, explained for the first time with his theory that the universe was expanding. The first observational evidence in this regard was presented to us in 1924 by the Swedish scientist Kurt Lundmark. Three years later, in 1927, the Belgian Catholic priest Georges LemaĆ®tre made a theoretical explanation similar to Friedmann's, trying to establish a relationship between galaxies' distances and their velocities, and presented the whole thing as the Big Bang. Finally, the American scientist Edwin Hubble, through his observations, brought Hubble's theory to further establish the phenomenon of the expansion of the universe. One thing to note here, however, is that the distance between the distant galaxies and the rate of expansion of universe found in the Kurt Lundmark study were quite accurate. Today, 100 years after his research work, only 1 percent error has been found, using highly sophisticated equipments.

                    After extensive research and observations over a long period of time, scientists around the world, have unanimously agreed that the universe was created by the Big Bang approximately 1,375 crore years ago and began to expand in less than 1 second of the explosion that continues today and as time goes on, the velocity of this expansion is getting faster and faster. The exact answer to why the universe is expanding is not yet known. However, it is said that when the expansion of the universe began 1032 seconds after the Big Bang, there was an expansion equal to 100 million light years in each part of the universe smaller than an atom. This event accelerated the rapid expansion of the entire universe. The phenomenon of expansion of this universe is called 'Metric Expansion' in the language of science. This metric term implies that the concept of distance in the universe is always variable or in other words relative.

                    The modern explanation for this metric expansion was given in 1979 by the American scientist Allen Guth. He showed in his mathematical explanation that if there were any vacancies with positive energy in this space, then according to general relativity there could be expansion. (General Theory of Relativity: Its basic idea is that it is an invisible force for which objects attract each other which we call gravitational force, the curvature of time and space is observed for this gravitational force) This cosmic inflation has solved many problems of the universe but failed to solve all the problems. However, we do not yet know the exact answer to why this cosmic inflation occurred.

                    To understand the metric expansion of the universe, we need to know what metric expansion is and how it happens. Metrics is a method of expressing the concept of distance by referring mathematically to how the distance between two points in space is measured in terms of coordinate system. The coordinates here refer to the arrangement of straight lines and curves to determine the position of a particular point relative to a place. The position in this system is denoted by X and Y. In other words, a metric is a path that describes how the distance between two points can be measured.

                    One thing is very important here. Distance is not always measured in straight lines, but sometimes it is also measured in curves, as in the case of earth, the distance to the airway is determined. In this case the curvature of the smallest distance between any two points on the surface of a curve is called geodesic. However, using the conventional method of determining the distance between two places in space, various errors and deviations can occur. So we use a special coordinate system called Commoving coordinate system to determine the distance between galaxies. This method uses time, speed of light, etc. to measure distance. Here first the brightness of the light, coming from a distant object, is measured then the value of redshift of that light is determined. All this information is then calculated using the Lambda-CDM Model to determine the distance to an object farther from earth (Redshift: The farther an object goes, the longer the wavelength of light coming from that object increases and the frequency decreases so that the object turns red. This phenomenon is called redshift) It is not possible to measure distances directly in the universe, so this indirect method is used.

                    One thing that has become clear from what has been discussed so far is that the constant expansion of the universe is a very common feature. Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity mentioned this subject long before the 'Expansion of Space' into the realm of scientists. Friedmann's mathematical equations, Hubble's law, and Einstein's theory all point to the expansion of the universe. At first, Hubble initially had doubts about the initial size and density of universe, and even about the velocity of expansion of universe. Recent measurements of galaxies' distance from earth and velocity have shown a value of 9 percent difference from Hubble's constant (Hubble constant: the proportional relationship between the velocity of distant galaxies and their distance from earth called the Hubble constant). In 2001, Wendy Friedman has calculated the velocity of expansion of universe which is 72 km / second / parsec. In 2013 this velocity increased slightly and finally in 2016 its value becomes 73 km / second / parsec. At present the universally accepted velocity of space expansion is 73.24 km/ sec/ mega parsec. (1 mega parsec = 32,61,563.78 light years or 3.086 X 1019 km) In other words, for an observer, for every 1 million or 10 lakh parsecs or 32,61,563.78 light-years or 3.086 X 1019 km distance, the light, received from that distance, moving away or redshift is 73.24 km per second. (Light Year: The distance that light travels in a year) Redshift can be more or less 1.74 km per second. Another measurement found for space expansion to be 67.4 km/ sec/ mega parsec. Here, too, this redshift of light can be more or less 0.5 km per second. In this case, the two values ​​of space expansion prove that the conventional space-related model must have left out some important formula of physics which we have not yet fully understood. However, it is true that there is a working force on every object in the universe, the existence of which is understood, but we have not yet formed a good idea about it. For the mystery of this form of energy we have identified this energy as Dark energy. (Details link to know more about Dark energy:

                    Cosmologists have compared the universe to Euclidean space on cosmic scale. (Euclidean space: This is a two- or three-dimensional space where Euclidean geometry is self-evident and the hypotheses apply.) A four-dimensional space-time mathematical model has been developed across one-dimensional time with three-dimensional space. According to Einstein's theory, mass and energy can give curvature to this four-dimensional space-time, which is similar to the postulate of Euclidean geometry.

                    To understand the expansion of the universe, we need to understand a few more things. Although 'Space' or 'Universe' is one in English, it is different from the point of view of science. The first creates a mathematical concept where cosmic objects are embedded and the second term is used in a broader sense where there are cosmic objects, cosmic rays and various known, unknown forces. So our discussion should always be Universe-centric, when we talk about the space expansion, science only discusses about three-dimensional structures, but there are many other dimensions beyond that are existed in universe.

                    The whole universe can be either infinite or finite. What we call universe, or more precisely, observable universe, is actually just the smallest part of the largest universe or super universe. This is stated by all the combined models of mathematics and physics. This vast universe may have no edges. It is pointless to think that universe is expanding into something. Again, many are comparing universe to bubbles, which is also quite confusing. As the distance between two fixed points in universe is increasing, so our universe seems to be expanding. Since the expansion of this universe is infinite, the greatest universe around our observable universe can never exist.

                    The black hole is a very dense cosmic object. But in the initial state after the Big Bang, the universe was many times denser than the black hole. So the question is why the state of the universe is not like a black hole? This is because even though there is motion of matter inside or around the black hole, the black hole itself is fixed to its place relative to other objects. But this universe has been and still is very dynamic since its inception. The gravitational collapse of a place depends on the stability of the object in that particular place. So at the beginning of the universe its condition was not like the black hole.

                    If one tries to understand the expansion of universe in a very small scale or area, then it can be understood that this law is not very effective there. For example, matter can come together and create a variety of cosmic objects such as comets, satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. It goes without saying that, there is almost no cosmic expansion. This is because where the concentration of matter is higher, the force responsible for cosmic expansion cannot in any way become stronger than the gravitational force. According to the Principle of Equality of General Relativity, the laws of Special Relativity are applicable only in such small areas (Principle of Equality: In the theory of General Relativity, the Principle of Equality is the equilibrium state of gravitational force and inert mass) For example, the moon, the only satellite of the earth, is moving away from us by 3.78 cm every year. Again Andromeda galaxy is gradually coming towards us under the influence of the gravitational force of our Milky Way galaxy and will merge with our galaxy at some point of time in future. This has happened many times in the past which is a very common incident. So it can be said that for this gravitational force the cosmic expansion in that vast sense within the local cluster of galaxies is not going to be noticed. However, this expansion can be understood and measured outside of this local group.

                    The rapid expansion of universe is due to the decrease in the density of matter in per unit area, as the density of matter decreases, the gravitational force also decreases. As a result, redshift is observed. Galaxies that are 4.5 Giga parsec or 14.7 billion or 14,700 crore light years away from earth are outside the Hubble Radius (Hubble Radius: The specific distance from an observer after which the object will move faster than light from him) Although the redshift of cosmic objects has been occurred, the visibility of those distant cosmic objects depends on the history of the expansion of the universe. If the cosmic object were more than 16 billion or 16,000 light-years away, light would never reach the earth from there. The last light that was radiated before that object crossed that boundary will reach the earth.

                    The phenomenon of increasing distance between two cosmic objects over time is also called Scale Factor. At one time the value of this scale factor was zero but in the future this value will reach infinity. But some models suggest that the value of this scale factor may decrease, meaning that the universe may shrink. According to some models, this value may be fixed in the future, meaning that the universe will no longer expand. In a word, scientists are talking about three possibilities. Some of the most popular models that scientists are speculating about cosmic expansion are 'Ant on Rubber Model', 'Rubber Seat Model', 'Balloon Model’, 'Raisin Bread Model', and so on.

Scientists have presented some evidence that the universe is expanding, such as:

1. The universe looks the same from all sides (Isotropic) and consists of a mixture of homogeneous matter.

2. According to Copernican theory, no special place in universe was given priority.

3. Distant galaxies are gradually moving away from us over time (Hubble's Law)

4. Explosion and radiation of gamma rays evenly distributed throughout space along with the existence of supernovae (Supernova: Every star explodes when it runs out of fuel)

5. Uniform temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation that has been scattered throughout the universe for billions of years (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation or CMB Radiation: Dim red light , due to redshift of matters, scattered throughout the universe after the Big Bang, it is the last ray of light to prove the Big Bang)

6. By measuring the temperature of interstellar clouds, made up of dust and hydrogen, through CMB Radiation. It has been observed that this temperature decreases uniformly everywhere in Universe with time.

7. The Redshift Survey has shown that all cosmic objects are evenly distributed around the universe.

                    Not all of the evidence cited here can be seen with the naked eye, but it can be said with certainty that all of these features must be fully present in the universe. Not only that, but there may be more authentic facts or sources scattered around the universe that we have not yet fully understood. It is hoped that over the next few decades, through more advanced scientific models, we will be able to identify these unknown features or evidence to understand and explain this mysterious cosmic expansion with more logical approach.

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